Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Feel Good About Yourself

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I don't know who may see this, or if anyone will see this ever, but thats not the important thing. The important thing is if someone does read this, I want it to help them feel better, even if they're not struggling with something at the moment. One of the worst feelings in the world is to feel like you're not worth anything, to feel like it wouldn't matter if you died.  Its often one of those feelings that you slip into slowly and one that is hard to get out of. But honesty everyone matters. If you don't feel it, do something everyday that you're good at, just one thing. It doesn't matter what it is but decide to do something (I draw or paint) and whatever it is don't show anyone, keep it to yourself for a time and work on it until it's perfect. And above all else, don't say whatever you're doing sucks. Be positive about it, even if thats the only thing you're positive about all day, its important. The reason it's important to keep it to yourself is that in that short time while you're working on it, it becomes your safe haven. The one place that you can feel good about yourself and have no one judge you. "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." I love this quote from Harry Potter so much. To me it means that you can be going through the worst thing ever, but you can be happy if you try. Happiness can be found where ever someone is looking for it, if they look hard enough. Just deciding to be happy is one of the hardest things if you are stuck in a rut though, so try and surround yourself with people who care about you and want you to do good. And if you're someone like me who don't let too many people in to know whats really going on, then by all means talk to a pet, a stuffed animal, a random animal, or a tree, just tell someone or something. It helps to get it out of your mind, so you can think about it clearer. But never resort to hurting yourself when you're angry or depressed. If thats the only way to make you feel better then I suggest that you workout instead. That way you are still feeling a kind of pain but instead of hurting your body you'll be making it stronger, and after working out more often than not, you'll be in a better mood because of the natural high you get when you workout. And always try to focus on the good in life. Its hard but remember that "the happiest girls are the prettiest."(:

-I take no credit for the parts in quotations, the first and last quotes, I'm not sure who said them but they were not my own words, as well as the quote from Harry Potter in the middle.

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