Monday, August 5, 2013

My favorite thing to do after a good long run is to take a cold refreshing shower. To me life doesn't get much better than that feeling, while maybe with the exception of kissing (thats almost always fantastic too), but honestly its one of the best feelings ever. For starters why its so fantastic is that one, you just went on a run and lets be real, running isn't always easy, but you still did it. Two, if you wash your hair in the cold water the next day, or later that day, your hair is softer (I don't know why, but that just works for me), and who doesn't like soft hair?? Three, showering is awesome by itself and if I could I would probably spend all day in there if I didn't have anything to do, but instead I'm always busy:/. Four, I find that it is relaxing, because I just did something that caused my body a bit of stress, and then I get to calm it down and relax the muscles I used with the cold water. For me personally, I LOVE to run at night so thats when I try to go the most and when I get done, after I feel like dying, I just hop into my shower and then **poof** when I get out I feel so energized and relaxed and then I just curl up in my bed and read a few chapters from the current book I'm reading at the time (right now its Harry Potter:)), or I'll check Facebook or Twitter while a candle is burning and to me that is pure happiness, then when I wake up in the morning I feel refreshed and ready to face the day.(:

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